Justice D. Murugesan
Justice D. Murugesan
Born on 10.6.1951. Enrolled as a Member of the Bar on 27.8.1975. Worked as a Legal Advisor to the University of Madras from 1984-1987 and Corporation of Chennai from 1992 to June 1996. Appointed as Special Government Pleader for Education during 1994 - 96 and Special Government Pleader- Writs from October 1997 and appointed as Government Pleader on 8.12.1998. Appointed as Judge, Madras High Court on 2.3.2000 and as Permanent Judge on 13.06.2001. Elevated as the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court w.e.f. 26.09.2012.
Retired on 10.06.2013.