Justice V. K. Shali
Born in Delhi on 15th June 1954. Passed LL.B & LL.M in First Class in 1976 & 1981 respectively from Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. Did Diploma in Administrative Law from Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. Did Post-Graduate Diploma in Constitutional Law and & Parliamentary Studies as well as Post Graduate Diploma in Parliamentary institutions and Procedure with distinction from Institute of Constitutional Law & Parliamentary Studies, New Delhi.
Enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council of Delhi on 29th September, 1976 and practiced Law in District Courts & the High Court of Delhi.
Stood first in Delhi Judicial Services Examination in 1979. Attended 29th Certificate Course in Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, New Delhi on the recommendations of the High Court of Delhi. Worked as Metropolitan Magistrate , Civil Judge, Additional Rent Controller, Dy. Registrar, Joint Registrar (CC) in CAT till March 1991. Resigned in March 1991 & started practice in High Court of Delhi and Supreme Court of India. Taught Law as Part–time Lecturer in Law Centre II, University of Delhi from September, 1991 to May 1994. Was appointed as a Part-time Reporter by High Court for its ILR Delhi Series for a period of three years.
Was Standing Counsel for Union of India from 1992-1995 and dealt with varied matters like Writs, Suits, Cofeposa, FERA, Customs Excise etc. Was Standing Counsel for Northern Railways from 1993-96, Standing Counsel (Civil) for Govt. of NCT of Delhi from July 1999 to December, 2004, standing counsel, Delhi Vidyut Board for three years. Represented Syndicate Bank, UCO Bank, NIUA, NFL MCD, DDA, MSTC, HVOC, DMRC in High Court of Delhi in various matters. Elevated as Additional Judge of Delhi High Court on 11th April, 2008 and as Permanent Judge on 3rd March, 2010. Retired on 14.06.2016.