Case Categorization

Sr. No. Title Descriptions
21 600. Motor Accident Claim Matters 600.01 Enhancement/reduction of compensation
600.02 Fatal accident cases
600.03 Injury
600.04 Limited liability
600.05 Matters where no insurance company is a party
600.06 No fault liability
600.07 Permanent disability
600.08 Appeal by Owner/Driver
22 700. Delhi Rent Control Act Matters 700.01 Section 14(1)(a)
700.02 Section 14(1)(b)
700.03 Section 14(1)(c)
700.04 Section 14(1)(d)
700.05 Section 14(1)(e) (other than refusal of leave to defend)
700.06 Section 14(1)(f)
700.07 Section 14(1)(g)
700.08 Section 14(1)(h)
700.09 S
23 701. Refusal of Leave to Defend Matters
24 702. Slum Act Matters
25 800. Eviction Under the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act 800.01 Delhi Development Authority
800.02 Delhi Municipal Corporation
800.03 Government of NCT of Delhi
800.04 Railways
800.05 Union of India
800.99 Other matters pertaining to public premises
26 900. Mines, Minerals and Mining Leases
27 1000. Family Law Matters 1000.01 Child adoption & maintenance matters(Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act, 1956)
1000.02 Child custody including under Guardian and Wards Act, 1890
1000.03 Confirmation of divorce decree (Indian Divorce Act)@@
1000.04 Divorce cases under Hindu Marriage Act
28 1200. Arbitration Act, 1940 1200.01 Sec. 5 & Sec. 11
1200.02 Sec. 8 & 9
1200.03 Sec. 14 & Sec. 17
1200.04 Sec. 14(2)
1200.05 Sec. 20
1200.06 Sec. 28
1200.07 Sec. 30 & Sec. 33
1200.99 Other matters under the Arbitration Act, 1940
29 1201. Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 1201.01 Sec. 9
1201.02 Sec. 11
1201.03 Sec. 34
1201.99 Other matter under Arbitration & Cconciliation Act 1966
30 1300. Income Tax Matters 1300.01 Acquisition/purchase of property
1300.02 Assessment/Re-assessment/Block assessment
1300.03 Business//professional income
1300.04 Capital gains
1300.05 Deductions/exemptions
1300.06 House property income
1300.07 Offences and prosecutions
1300.08 Ot